Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Oh entry dibawah ni, dah call rupa-rupanya hp mati. pfft! Haish. yes, i am damn afraid to call people. Tak tahu kenapa. Nak call mama and ayah pun takut, nikan nak call boyfee. Tak tau lah kenapa. Penyakit apa tah. Okay then on phone with my girl lagi since dapat call free lah katakan, Oh lega dapat all out segala ggeram kat dada ni kat dia. She is a very very very good listener. Gigih dan tekun dengar i membebel non-stop and all. Phew! lega kak! thank you. Oh, i rasa macam nak jek remove that girl. Who? Ada lah, sorang ni. I tak perasan who-is-she at first and approve jek lah since dia ramai my mutual friend, i thought she one of my friends jugak lah. Rupa-rupanya BUKAN !! She is my ** *** okay, i guess so. What-the-heck kau add aku? Nak stalk my page? What i am doing and who my friend and all? heylo, get a life please. You seem like sopan thingy tapi i dislike to be like this lah. I mean, i memang sangat sangat tasuke that type of thing into my life. Maybe tak faham, its okay. I dislike past thing get or percik percik into my current life sekarang. Oh please! Semak lah. And people from past, tak payah lah semak in my life. Get your own life boleh tak? Pfft! Masing-masing dah ada life baru sekarang, so please just keep it up. Go with your life lah, jangan nak sibuk-sibuk add nak tahu and all. And each time i online, kat my home terpampang status dia. Saket mata lah weh since i dah tahu siapa you! Boleh mengundang tahu tak? Malas lah. Im soooo tired of this things. Once again, please get a life !!

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