Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Please stop, please

*deeply sigh*
Last night was super-extremely-shit happen to me,like serious. Why? Ade je lagi 'they' want to make any fucking story and all. Ingatkan lepas balek sini dah takde, baru lepas cakap dgn cocaine yang my life was currently tenang sangat kat jb ni. Kepala pun da tak saket-saket lagi fikir yang entah apa-apa. Been 6month telinga ni terpaksa kene tarah dgn macam-macam cerita about this and that. Saket, serious. Even sometimes what i heard was just an 'old story' but as a perempuan yang mempunyai hati yang lembut even luaran nampak kasar, hurt me much. Tapi kuatkan je hati and sabar banyak-banyak.Telan selagi boleh telan. Even sometimes macam nak tumbang, tapi tetap terus sabar. I just don't understand why they must buat cerita or nak cerita macam tu to me? Yes, everyones have their own past. But past is just a past. Don't drag it into the future, leave it. Susah sangat ke? I do hateeeeeeeeeee anything about the past. Either me or him. But, still i keep standing and put a smile on my face ehen this shit happen. But malam tadi, astagfirullahalazim. Entah lah. Terkedu tergamam mati ayat mati semua, hilang semangat. Serious. Hmm. Why doh? Am i have did anything bad to you 'people' ?? Am i stole anything from you? Am i makes you mad or what? I just don't get it. I don't know you. Tak kenal langsung siapa pun kau ni, but why the hell tak sudah-sudah nak get mess with me? I choose to be silent. Malas nak kecoh-kecoh. Macam budak-budak or more to STUPID FUCKIN LADY if nak bergaduh pasal lelaki. What the? That was so not me. We have enough brain, boleh fikir proper, tahu? So react as a inteligent women please. Not a bitchy, sorry.
One more thing, sorry to say that i do hate that b***k or whatsoever she's named. Why? I do have my own reasons. Lantak lah kau nak cakap apa cocaine, but im still standing with it,FULLSTOP. Menyampah meluat macam nak maki jek each time teringat the way she looking at me when mula-mula dulu. And takpayah nak backup dia sangat or whatsoever or else, i might do a drastic decison with no regret at all. Keep my word, i mean it. Even i don't wanna hear or look at her name either in mouth,life,fb or wahtsoever. Aku susah gila nak benci orang, sebab aku jenis mudah sayang semua orang even orang benci aku. But bila aku dah mula cakap aku benci orang tu, i really mean it. Enough said. Mulut aku ni bila dah berkata 'aku benci dia' , mulut aku ni jenis mulut langsi, macam-macam benda extreme bad aku boleh berkata nanti. Jangan buat aku berkata-kata. Jangan cabar tahap sabar aku. Aku benci gila bila kau backup melambong betina tu semalam rasa macam nak  ambek pisau potong telinga je, serious. fullstop. Dah, bila cakap pasal betina yang aku tak suka ni, mood aku automatically turned off. sial lah. Bye.

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