Hello there. How are you guys? How was your day recently? Wish having such a good moment peeps. Yup, currently at Damansara which my new house for s year (according to the agreement, phew) I've decided to work as part-timer at OU. Alhamdulillah tak susah nak cari kerja since banyak i dapat but lepas fikir2 i choose keje kat boutique Roxy. Why? Sebab tak banyak kerenah kerja kat situ. Macam potong gaji sana-sini and bagai. At least i have y own fix salary monthly so that bolehlah bayar duit rumah. Lain nak cakap apa, up to them they doen't know what my problem is, how i suffered and what i'm facing with. Cakap lah kau, brainwashkan lah aku selagi kau nak, tapi aku stick with my own word, fullstop. Aku sokong apa kawan-kawan buat, wish you and pray for all of you okay :)
Oh sangat penat, sumpah. Settle macam-macam bala. OMG. Kawan? No comment. Masing-masing dah besar, pandai fikir, ada mata nampak, ada mulut senyum, ada hati, pendam. Senang. Malas nak banyak bunyik. Tengokan aje :)
Nothing much happend. Oh, ini sibai. My berokbend belum bayarrrr. Damnnn. Ni pun pinjam kejap, Huwaaa. Oh okay, i wanna to seek apoloy from one of my favourite friend, Park Chipsmore aka Langau. Hm. Sory ngau, bukan sengaja. I know you mad with me, based on what you said tadi. I know you well, sangat masak dengan perangai kamu. But trust me, tak sengaja, tak sengaja nak makes you waiting for me to hang out. Like serious. Hm. Forgive me friend. I do and i really hope that i could lepak with you after this and please don't say NO :)
Lemau sangat rasa rini, so got to go. Take care peeps. Have a nice day :)
P/s : hope kerja ni boleh kurussssss, yeay! hik.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
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