*senyumsenyumgedikgedik* heee. Okay dah, today we spentime together like before since im was there, he was here susah nak jumpa sekarang then here we are. Yeay !! Thank you b. Huu. At first he ask me to get lunch together but then terlajak lajak merayap dan merayap. Haha. He took me while i am not ready yet sebab still mamai lagi and he said 'b otw ni, dah mandi belum? ' gulp! Gilaa, cepat cepat siap and mandi !! Sangat kelam kabut bagai, ish! Then get lunched at Uda, sebab konon-konon tempat ni murah, sekaliiii mahal okay. Sory dear, masa form5 pergi sangat murah, hee. Then jalan-jalan at KSL which new places, boleh laa tapi sume kedai cina, almost and their fashion was like korean style. Their outfit pun boleh lebeh kurang macam online shop and all but LEBEH MAHAL, -.- Ingat nak beli but then tengok, tajadilaaa. Then we off to pulai indah pulak. Dia tiba-tiba mengidam nak makan beger and beli beger and air we pick nick kat lake tu. Hee. Then mama called suruh beli makanan kat pasar malam. Pergi pasar malam and then he sent me home. I have a great and amazing day today, thank you b :)
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